top view of medieval city

Your dream island is finally here!

After a long wait, Patron Island is now open for land ownership, giving you the unique opportunity to build your own home or settlement in the beautiful surroundings of Endor.

How to Rent Land:

  1. Choose Your Land: Explore the island and choose the plot that suits you best. Prices and plot numbers are displayed on tables at each plot. The number format is 1234SC - number 99, where 1234SC is the monthly rent in shimmer coins and 99 is the plot number for auction if applicable.
  2. Application: If you are interested in renting a selected plot, please send your selection to the patron channel on Discord in the format:
    I am interested in plot number: 99
    Coordinates: X – 1234 / Y – 1234
  3. Auction: If multiple players are interested in the same plot, an auction will be held. You will be informed about the auction date one week in advance on Discord. The starting price will be the standard rent price for the plot. The player with the highest bid will win the auction.
  4. Rent: After the auction, whether you win or are the only bidder, you will be able to rent the selected plot.

Building Options:

  • Custom Build: On your rented plot, you can build anything your imagination and skills can dream up. Your creation will be individually reviewed for compliance with plot dimensions and absence of terrain deformation.
  • GM Assisted Build: Not sure about your building skills? Or do you just want to save yourself the hassle of designing and building? Contact a Game Master (GM) to create a house tailored to your vision. This service is for a fee.
  • Copy an Existing House: Do you like one of the houses already on the server? You can copy it to your own plot. This option is also for a fee.
  • Platinum House: If you buy a house from pvp for platinum, you can build it on your purchased plot on Patron Island
  • Ready-made House in Data: For those who want to save time and effort, there is the option of a ready-made house, which you can find in the data under the multi tab. We will add screenshots of builds from multi later.

Additional Information:

  • Updates to the files with rented plots will be done once a month.
  • There are 99 plots of various sizes available on the island, from small for Bronze Patrons to large for two Gold Patrons.
  • The currency for paying for auctions and plot rent is “shimmer coins”.

Custom Signs:

  • Each patron can choose a sign design of their choice from the available signs when renting a plot. For inspiration, you can check the files through the UOfiddler program!
  • We will add screenshots of signs later.


  • A mysterious merchant with treasures from faraway lands will return to the island at various intervals (once a month or every six months).
  • He will offer you rare and unique items that you will not find anywhere else on Endor.
  • The number and availability of items will always be limited, so don’t hesitate and grab yours before someone else does!

Important Notes:

  • Patron Island is protected by a guard zone.
  • You don’t have to try to get the ship here, the island has been carefully blocked off so you can’t get to the rest of the map.
  • Abusing the portal for PVP in the city (e.g. escaping death) will be punished with 100,000 logs.

Don’t hesitate and head to Patron Island to choose your plot and build your dream home on it!

We wish you the best of luck and have fun!