The event will start on May 4th, 2024 at 7:00 PM
Send your applications to @🆃🅾🆇🆃🆁 (Template: Tournament: Cavalry character: Toxtr)
The maximum number of competitors is set to 32x
At the gate of the arena in Harbour City, T.o.x.t.r will be waiting to collect the registration fee of 10,000 gold pieces. After that, you will be allowed into the waiting area for competitors. Arrive without a horse and completely naked (!!! without any items in your backpack, there’s a risk of losing everything except for RB and house keys !!!) (Equipment will be provided). For competitors, the event starts on May 4th, 2023 at 6:30 PM.
Training tips:
The sides are switched after each round. To indicate that You are ready, stand on the starting tile. You will fight in best of 3 format to move up in brackets.
.joust is used twice, first just before the start and second when you want to hit the opponent. For a successful hit, You have to be running!
It is recommended to enable Always run in Options/General/General/Line 3
For the public, the event begins at 6:50 PM, where for only 2000 gold pieces, you can enter the stands. You’ll be able to cheer for your favorites.