top view of medieval city

Gameplay Adjustments / balance

  • NPC ability Necrosis has a minimum duration of 2s.
  • Additional graphical/sound adjustments for the effect, primarily for those that lack any visuals/sounds.
  • Battle Royale gives a reward even if the minimum number of players has not been reached.
  • All set cloaks can now be dyed with an arena kilt.
  • A revision of nearly all swords and some maces has been released. Lower-level weapons were excessively effective due to their speed, so they are now slower, but usually compensated by higher raw damage per hit. Throughout level progression (especially levels 10 to 20), every weapon that becomes available to a character is meant to represent a definite power upgrade, so hopefuly it’s not needed to seek previous, poorly balanced ones, anymore. Weapons are now designed to improve across levels along a more linear and consistent curve. At the same time, some weaker weapons (given their complexity) have been strengthened, particularly the war hammer and claymore.
  • Chef shelf: added glass pitcher, water pitcher.
  • Players can use octopus again if its effect was canceled by the invul potion.

Packhorse, packllama

  • Fixed a bug related to the packhorse/packllama that resulted in the player appearing naked (the pack saddle graphic was changed to match that of the rogue belt; the original backpack graphic was the cause of the issue).
  • Reduced the maximum carrying capacity of these mounts to 2000 stones.
  • Increased their strength so that they can run with approximately 500 weight (stones) without stamina loss.
  • Added new emotions *tired* and *tired to follow*, indicating that they are losing stamina and cannot run.
  • Without stamina, pack mounts cannot teleport to their owner if they stray too far.
  • Increased their armor.
  • These mounts now display the weight they are carrying beneath their name.

Crafting adjustments / balance

  • Removed ring+chain from the blacksmith.
  • The difficulty of metal tinkering now depends on the metals.
  • A single click on an alchemy recipe will display the recipe name.
  • Increased the difficulty of jewelry crafting and the required number of materials for production.
  • The item “wire” can not be crafted from wood (tinker) anymore.
  • Modified the Invulnerability Potion – new recipe (wiki recipes have been corrected).
  • Removed the Crazy Alchemist Potion.
  • New item Bulk Order Book, sold by NPC tailors for 20000 gp. It functions as a tool for displaying all bulks in the inventory in one window. (It displays identical items only once and shows their total amount required.)
  • Minor UI adjustments for the bulk order window.

Crafting menu adjustments

  • Menu items are displayed only if the category contains craftable products.
  • Added a button to toggle between counting successful attempts and total attempts.
  • If successful attempts are to be counted, after each successful attempt the system message displays the current status: successful/total required count.
  • A chance has been added to each item (a real value, meaning that if the player is hungry, it may display as 0%).
  • Some buttons have been relocated and given colors.
  • The cancel button has been changed to X and moved to the top.
  • Removed the repair button from the blacksmith.
  • The bowcrafting menu will no longer open if there are no items to display.
  • All crafting gumps display colored images.
  • All crafting gumps display the material.


  • Fixed the choking effect of traps (suffocation effect) in conjunction with pet shrinking (.cast reduce). From now on, if you shrink a pet after the last damage dealt, suffocation will not return after unshrinking.
  • Disease resist now works correctly in the case of natural plague spread among players.
  • Fixed the time for obtaining the slayer titles (unfortunately not retroactively, only for newly acquired titles).
  • Emergency scroll gate now consumes only one piece, rather than the entire stack.
  • Fixed an issue with a druid morphed into a spider that prevented the application of his poison.
  • Fixed an issue with oil effects on the druid.
  • Prevented the escape of mounts from the BR arena.
  • Crafting a jointing plane with tinker tools no longer produces an item named “uninitialized object”.
  • For an overloaded player purchasing with rusty coins, the item drops at their feet instead of deducting the rusty coins and producing nothing.
  • The message sent to the seller in FEI system upon receiving a delivery is now correctly english, provided that english is set as a ingame language.

Hotfixes, previously deployed

  • Restored the functionality of the Orbs for removing enchants; vendors will be able to sell them after the next vendor restock (there is a timer, at the latest with the server restart).
  • Components for the Necro Wand – Dark Essence and Dark Crystal – can be stacked.
  • Components for the dragon – Fresh Dragon Blood, Piece of Dragon Egg, Head of Drakes – can be stacked.
  • Fixed the issue with teleports to the Vales of Serenity dungeons. PK should no longer be permited to enter.
  • Fixed the issue with stacking shurikens in the rogue belt.